Sparkling Fruit Wine is Here!

Just in time for the first day of spring, we are excited to announce the online release of our newest wines – sparkling fruit wines in 375 ml cans! These new additions to our lineup are a variation of our popular 750 ml fruit wines, which happen to be the most awarded fruit wines in the USA. Like our traditional fruit wines, these new canned wines are made with 100% real fruit, with no added colors or flavors and are gluten-free.

Although similar, there are a few differences in our traditional fruit wines and these new sparkling fruit wines. Other than being in a convenient, ready-to-go anywhere can format, the sparkling fruit wines are a lower ABV and are carbonated to create a light, sparkling fizz. Our traditional fruit wines are 10% ABV while these new sparkling fruit wines are 6.2% ABV. These changes lend itself to a lighter and very refreshing wine that is perfect for outdoor occasions and summer weather!

The flavors included in the lineup are Blackberry, Strawberry, Peach and Mango. Cans will be available in stores after April 1, but you can buy these single cans online starting TODAY!

Sweet, light and refreshing, these new wines are made for getaways & gatherings, docks & decks, pools & porches, and backyards & BBQ’s. Cheers!

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