
St. James Winery Riesling Best of Show at Finger Lakes


St. James Winery’s Riesling has been named Best of Show-Riesling at the 14th annual Finger Lakes Wine Competition, winning the John Rose Award for the Best in Riesling.

With nearly 4,000 individual wines entered, the Finger Lakes Wine Competition described the event as “their tightest competition ever.” St. James Winery competed with wineries from 20 countries, all 50 states, and 6 Canadian provinces. Seventy-five national and international judges presented Best of Show awards to four wines, of which St. James Winery Riesling was one.

“It’s always sweet winning a Best of Show Award, but when we win Best of Show for Riesling in a wine competition located in the heart of Riesling country like the Finger Lakes Competition, it’s definitely cause for celebration,” said Peter Hofherr, CEO of St. James Winery.

In addition to the four top wines, the judges awarded 140 double gold, 284 gold medals. Of these awards, St. James Winery also received two double gold awards, one for its 2013 Vignoles and another for its 2013 Pioneer White (a dry white blend). The winery was awarded gold medals for St. James Winery Friendship School White (a semi-sweet white blend) and St. James Winery Blueberry Fruit Wine, as well as six silver and two bronze medals.

St. James Winery is the largest and most awarded winery in Missouri. Founded by the Hofherr family in 1970, St. James Winery celebrating more than 40 years as a family owned and operated winery; St. James Winery wines are sold in 19 states and is online at www.stjameswinery.com

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