
Happy New Year!

It’s another New Year’s Eve: Out with the old year and in with the new!

For a sparkling great time grab St. James Winery’s Sparkling Moscato and Sparkling Blush for your New Year’s Eve festivities.

Pop the corks and pour some bubbly, then indulge some old-fashioned, ad-lib fun as you count down the minutes to midnight — grab a pencil and paper to fill in the blanks!


Should (adjective) acquaintance be (past tense verb)
and (adverb) brought to (noun)?
Should (adjective) acquaintance be (past tense verb)
and (unit of time) of (adjective) lang syng?

For (adjective) lang syne, my (term of endearment),
for (adjective) lang syne.
We’ll (verb) a (container) o’ (emotion) yet
for (adjective) lang syne.

St. James Winery reminds all our customers to please drink responsibly on New Year’s Eve and every evening during the coming year. If you’re hosting a party this New Year’s Eve, remember these helpful tips.

  • Don’t offer another drink until the the first one is completely gone.
  • Offer a variety of non-alcoholic drinks (think St. James Winery’s Sparkling Juices!)
  • Close the bar in advance of the end of the party, the serve a substantial snack.
  • Make sure there’s a designated driver (or drivers!) on hand.
  • If guests at your party have indulged just a little too much, don’t let them drive themselves home. Let them stay over at your house or call a cab.

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